Chronic diseases Nutrition package (three months)


Generally, chronic diseases are long-term conditions that affect health. It could last several months or years, or even a lifetime. It requires constant medical care, such as diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure, cancer, obesity, high cholesterol rate, asthma, arthritis, and others. Since the nutrition elements affect how the body works, the food system plays a major role in controlling and managing different diseases. Your nutritionist will provide you with a program and healthy nutrition instructions that suits your condition. In addition to a constant follow–up of your rates, as well as advice about how to overcome diseases and prevent their consequences.

  • Three direct consultations with a qualified nutritionist via video or voice call.
  • A specifically designed nutrition program that suits your condition and fits your needs accompanied by a constant follow-up
  • Healthy awareness and instructions about the necessary procedures to prevent any complications.
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