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Tadawi users’ feedback

About Tadawi

    Tadawi is a smart electronic platform. It provides integrated health solutions like prevention, treatment, and medical care by connecting you to the best medical service providers in the easiest ways. It also guarantee your privacy and safety, and provide your family and you with the best care wherever you are and at any time.

Why do you Tadawi?

  • It will take care of your health and provide your family and you with all kinds of health services while you are at your home.
  • It will provide immediate medical consultations at any time via chat, call, or video, by a medical and customer service team.
  • It will continuously monitor your health and those you love by submitting medical history and medical reports that enhance your physical, psychological, and pharmacological health.
  • It gives you the ability to download medical files and reports, whether through images, lab tests, or x-rays.
  • It will save your time and money, and give you the ability to confirm your reservation by choosing the appropriate day and time.
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