Bariatric surgery patients Nutrition package (month)


After bariatric surgeries, the body needs several essential elements to help heal wounds and get better. The patient goes through several eating stages to prepare the stomach as well as the body. Transferring pace from one stage to another depends on how fast the body corresponds to healing, and the ability to adjust to the changes in eating patterns. Therefore, a healthy and supervised nutrition system helps to return to eating solid food gradually. In addition to deal with your related cases or problems, that you may face. Therefore, going through a healthy and safe nutrition program that is suitable for your condition will be a great support, and helpful factor in the process’s success.

  • Three direct consultations with the nutritionist every ten days, through video or voice call.
  • Specially designed food program for your condition that is also suitable for your needs
  • Healthy awareness and instructions about the necessary procedures to prevent any complications.
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