Comprehensive Blood Test (Advanced Package)


Periodical care of your health by going through a full check-up will guarantee you prevention of disease; it will also help you in recognizing the symptoms and their management at an early stage. This package includes testing the most common diseases, and it is better if you conducted them as a whole.

  • Liver function: alkaline phosphatase / total bilirubin / total Protein / Liver Enzymes AST Aspartate aminotransferase / Liver Enzymes ALT Alanine transaminase
  • Complete blood count: iron level / complete blood count test
  • Kidney functions: urea nitrogen
  • Vitamins and minerals: zinc/vitamin D / vitamin B12
  • Thyroid functions: thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH
  • Fat levels in blood : triglyceride/ HDL Cholesterol High Density Lipoprotein / Cholesterol/ LDL Low Density Lipoprotein
  • Sodium blood test: Uric acid / calcium / sodium
  • Urinalysis: Urinalysis
  • Diabetes test: fasting blood glucose / cumulative sugar test
SKU: ta-33 Category:

Instructions : Instructions: the test takes 10-12 hours fasting of food as well as drinks , only water is allowed.

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